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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

My Life

My Life...The good, the bad and the sappy
Blogging seems to be all the rage these days so I decided to give it a try. Not that this will be seen by anyone besides myself but here it goes... My life isn't what I thought it would be. I know that's something cheesy that most millennials such as myself say, but that's the cliché truth. I've graduated from a Primary Care Paramedic Program in College, I passed my A-EMCA, I'm in university and I've worked my butt off my whole life, but can I get a paramedic job, hell how about a job above minimum wage? Of course not! Because that's just life. So i'm making the best of it, laughing, crying and never giving up.

I never gave much thought to my future when I was a kid. I had fleeting fancies of course... Doctor, Vet, Police Officer; you know, the usual. There was always One thing I knew I'd never be. When my friends were playing house, or babysitting I wanted nothing to do with it and now as I grow up and my friends are all getting married or having babies I am more sure than ever about that One thing I will never be... A mother. I'm sorry, maybe that makes me out of the norm but I want nothing to do with babies; having babies, cooing about babies, clothing for babies, none of it.

" I'm not broken. I'm not some psychodrama. My lack of interest in having a child is not some pathology that you can pat yourself on the back for having diagnosed. I like my life. I like it the way it is and I don't want it to change. why is it bad? Because its not natural, its not womanly, maybe I am cold and heartless and dead inside, or maybe I just like my life and want to do something great with it." -Arizona Robbins, Grey's Anatomy.

I love that quote because it's so typical of todays society, even if Arizona did cave and have kids with Callie, I was so upset about that one. But honestly, there is so much to do with your life and, especially at this age, having kids isn't even on the list. My biggest pet peeve: "Oh you'll change you're mind when you find the right guy". Um? Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were me! That's so strange, I didn't know you could see into my future! My bad! No guys, sorry but I know myself and if I find 'the right guy' he wont want kids either. And that thing about 'finding the right guy' why does everyone feel you need a guy to be happy.

There's so much more that I want to do with my life and that's what this blog is going to be about. My actual life, the good, the bad and the sappy.

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