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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Stylish Surprise FTW

Okay, so everyone knows how much I love, live, breathe Modcloth. It's my favourite clothing site and if I could buy everything from there I would (Hello Lottery Gods, are you listening?) So Modcloth has this promotion that is on and off every few months called Stylish Surprise. Basically you pick 'Apparel' 'Shoes' or 'Accessories' pay 10 dollars for one, it's 10 for each stylish surprise and you can buy more than one, and they send you a package. You have no idea what you're getting before hand. If you pick apparel it could be a dress or shirt or skirt ect, shoes could be heels, flats, boots. The promotion is always hit or miss because you don't pick what you're getting. This time was a huge HIT for me. I got the Born to be Wowed dress and the Sugared Rose Dress, both of which fit like a glove and are adorable to boot! I'm taking both with me on my trip to Cuba in a few weeks!

If you're strapped for cash but want something adorable to look forward to check out the Modcloth Stylish Surprise promotion, even if you get something that's not your style there are plenty of swap sites. But I guarantee the anticipation alone makes it worth it!

Me in the Born to Be Wowed dress!

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